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Ensure that your thing (product, service, book, program...) gets the response it deserves

Kai Madrone
May 4, 2021
Online presence



The language gap that's holding your business back

As a paradigm-shifting entrepreneur, you get excited about your thing. As well you should! Whatever your product, service, modality, method, event, book, or art form, what you offer improves people’s lives. It works. It’s valuable. And it’s done with care. You are rightfully enthusiastic.

So what’s going on when the response is less than enthusiastic?

It’s likely one of two things—

A.) You’re describing it to the wrong people or

B.) You’re using the wrong words


The easiest way to improve response is with words

You can certainly change which audience you’re talking to, but that may involve considerable effort and investment. Generally the fastest, easiest fix (which is where you want to start) is to change your words.

So how do you change the way you describe your offers so that you’re using the right words? The answer is simple: Use. Theirs.

Mind the gap

You’re in business (or looking to start one) because you’re an expert in something. Whether or not you always feel like you are "expert enough," the fact is you have expertise and it helps people. The people who need what you offer, however, are not experts. Not in what you do. That’s why they need your products and services.

Notice whose language you’re speaking

Between experts and non-experts lies a language gap. As an expert—whether you realize it or not—you have specialized vocabulary for what you do. Your understanding is advanced and so you use different words for things than a newcomer to the topic. This gap can kill your sales and marketing.

In many cases (especially if you’re a coach, teacher, or healer of any kind) your specialized vocabulary is part of the value you provide. Giving people language that helps them understand their experience and/or the world can be beneficial and even empowering for your client or customer. But it’s not what gets them interested in what you offer. In fact, it probably does the opposite.

So when you describe what you do and what you sell, whose language are you using? Your words or theirs?

What works is their words

Ideally, all of your marketing uses the words of the people you’re here to serve. Ideally, you have a library of Their Words and you simply refer to it every time you make a sales page, put an offer out to the world, or create some content. Ideally, you know your market so well that it’s second nature to incorporate their language into how you describe what you offer whenever you’re on a sales call, doing a presentation, or having a Discovery session. But if you’re not there yet, don’t worry, you can start with just one small thing that will make an ENORMOUS impact on your business…

This week’s TIP: Nail the name of your thing

When it comes to your marketing the most potent and first place you can start shifting your words is with names. Whatever you want people to say yes to, give it a strong name that a.) communicates what’s in it for them, b.) is in the language that they use.

If you want people to sign up for your package, nail the name. If you want people to order your book, nail the name. If you want people to open your email message, nail the subject line. If you want people to sign up for a Discovery session, give it a strong name that speaks to them. If you want people to buy your thing, nail the name—by using their words.

After someone becomes your client or customer your language will be helpful to them, but in order to get them interested, you have to speak their language.

Our mini-workshop May 18 helps you find the right words

If you want some guidance for finding the right words for your marketing join us for the Strategic Storytelling mini-workshop.

The first mini-workshop got rave reviews and we're excited to offer it again! It's a live workshop with Kai, who will walk you through all the basics you need to clarify brand's message and discover the words that speak straight to your people's heart.

--> As part of the Paradigm Shift Project community you can use the discount code SHIFTNOW to get 66% off ($10 instead of $29)

Know who your work is for, be their trusted guide, and use their words so you can speak straight to their heart

Get the details on the mini-workshop

Thanks for doing what you do in the world,

Kai & Michael

P.S. For one-on-one help finding the right words for your product, service, or program you can also book a Nail-the-Name session with Kai.

Kai Madrone
Posted on
May 4, 2021



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